Published by: Dr Alexander Börve
Founder of Autoderm


Transforming skin health management with the myGP app

At iPLATO, we empower individuals to play an active role in managing their health and wellbeing. Our partnership with Autoderm, including the integration of the AI skin scanner in our myGP app is a game changer for managing skin health. May marks Skin Cancer Awareness Month, a period when awareness and proactive management of skin health are crucial. Join us as we sit down with Dr. Alexander Börve to discuss this feature and learn how it’s helping thousands to identify skin concerns like eczema and moles swiftly, efficiently and anonymously. 


Since its launch last year, more than 330,000 users have utilised this cutting-edge technology. I’m excited to delve further into the transformative role our collaboration with iPLATO’s myGP app is playing in the field of dermatology. Our mission is to empower individuals by providing immediate and accessible dermatological advice through advanced AI technology.  

The role of the skin scanner in the myGP app 

The skin scanner, integrated into the myGP app and powered by Autoderm’s AI, offers a revolutionary way to approach skin concerns. This tool, freely available to all myGP users, allows anyone to quickly assess skin issues by taking a well-lit, focused photograph using their smartphone. With this technology, we’ve found that: 

  • 50% of users can self-treat their concerns by visiting a pharmacy, 
  • 30% need to consult their GP to confirm the diagnosis and receive a prescription, and 
  • 20% require further tests or a specialist visit, particularly for conditions that may need surgical intervention, such as suspected skin cancer. 

Autoderm provides an answer within a second, while our online dermatology service, FirstDerm, can deliver a response in as fast as six hours. 

Statistical insights and the importance of early detection 

Our data analysis shows that the most common concerns among users are primarily eczema and concerns about moles. Interestingly, the data shows that the number one issue identified by our AI is Seborrheic Keratosis—often mistaken for melanoma due to its appearance. Melanoma ranks second, highlighting the critical need for increased public awareness and vigilance, guided by the ABCDE rule for monitoring moles. 

Why does this matter? 

Understanding and managing skin health is vital, particularly given the growing prevalence of skin conditions like skin cancer in the UK. Projections suggest there could be around 26,500 new melanoma cases annually in the UK by 2038-2040. integrating the AI-powered skin scanner into the myGP app, we provide users with the tools to take immediate, informed action concerning any unusual skin findings. This not only facilitates earlier detection but also significantly improves the chances of successful treatment outcomes. 


The evolution of skin cancer treatment and AI innovations 

The battle against skin cancer has dramatically evolved from early surgical interventions to the latest in targeted therapies and AI innovations. Each advancement has aimed to improve patient outcomes and accessibility to care. The Autoderm AI skin scanner is at the forefront of these developments, offering a rapid, user-friendly solution that aligns with the contemporary needs for reliable and prompt health information. 


Our partnership with iPLATO to integrate Autoderm into the myGP app represents a significant step forward in enhancing how skin health is managed. It simplifies the process, making it quicker, easier, and more effective for everyone. I encourage all to stay proactive about their skin health: stay healthy, stay informed, and take control with the myGP app and the free Autoderm Skin Scanner.