

What are examples of mail merges/variable fields for regular messages?

Below is a selection of available Mail Merges/Variable Fields to use when creating a regular message:

Variable fields for a single message:

  • <firstname> – the forename of the patient (i.e. David). Can also be used in regular messages and Appointment Reminders
  • <firstname2> – the forename of the patient truncated after the first space (i.e. David James will appear as David). Can also be used in regular messages and Appointment Reminders
  • <surname> – the surname of the patient (i.e. Smith). Can also be used in regular messages and Appointment Reminders
  • <NHSnumber> and <nhsnumber> – This mail merge is for any practices that would like to inform their patient of their NHS number for inviting them in for flu or COVID-19 vaccinations.

Please Note: <NHSnumber> and <nhsnumber> are available for regular messages only, and are not compatible to be added to Automated Appointment Reminders.