

Health check lite PQ coding

Below are the codes that will be sent back to the clinical system when a patient completes the Health Check PQ.

Smoking status

The health check questionnaire will ask about smoking status, these codes will be the same as the Smoking status PQ.

CLICK HERE to see the coding used for Smoking status.

Alcohol Audit C

The Health check questionnaire will ask the Alcohol Audit C questions.

CLICK HERE to see the coding used for Alcohol Audit C

BMI calculation

The Health check questionnaire will ask for the patients BMI, this is the same as the BMI PQ.

CLICK HERE to see the coding used for BMI.

Blood pressure

The Health check questionnaire will ask about blood pressure.ย  If the patient is able to give a reading, the same coding as the Blood pressure PQ will be used.

CLICK HERE to see the coding used for blood pressure.

Family history

The Health check questionnaire will ask about family history.

Has anyone in your immediate family been diagnosed with heart or circulatory disease, such as a heart attack or stroke?


SNOMED: 266894000

EMIS Read code V2: 12C..

S1 Read code V3: XE0oF


SNOMED: 160270001

EMIS Read code V2: 1224.

S1 Read code V3: 1224.

GPPAQ scoring

The health check questionnaire will also as the questions around GPPAQ (activity and occupation).

What type and amount of activity is involved in your work?

During the last week, how many hours did you spend on physical exercise such as swimming, jogging, aerobics, football, tennis, gym, workout etc.

Based on the patient’s answers, the patient is categorised as:


SNOMED: 366121000000108

EMIS Read code V2: 138X.

S1 Read code V3: XaPP8

Moderatly Inactive

SNOMED: 366171000000107

EMIS Read code V2: 138Y.

S1 Read code V3: XaPPB

Moderately Active

SNOMED: 366211000000105

EMIS Read code V2: 138a.

S1 Read code V3: XaPPD


SNOMED: 366241000000106

EMIS Read code V2: 138b.

S1 Read code V3: XaPPE